Friday, September 23, 2011

Cleaning my life out

I've been clearing out my stuff, going thru it all. I've thrown out almost 10 big bags of trash away. And I still have alot to go thru. Seriously half a closet yet to go thru to see if there is anything in it that I could put in a garage sale. I realized that I have way too much shit!! I am going to put my entertainment center, my headboard, nightstand, desk and possibly 2 dressers in the sale. Thoughout all this I know I need to clean out my life so it's easier when I finally have the ability to move. So if anyone needs any of the stuff I'm trying to sell let me know :)

I've been thinking about taking the weekend of my birthday and taking a little trip, just haven't really decided where I'd like to visit in December. God I wish life was easier for me right now! I need a change, which is why I've thrown so much away. To change things :)

Love love love xo

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